Topic: Prisoners in the United States (2024)

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    Ironically, it is the so-called land of the free that houses the highest prison population per capita in the OECD. With rates that have long been more than double that of their closest developmental counterparts, questions are continuously raised both domestically and internationally over why the prison population is so high. This is not a new state of affairs, with the prison population of the United States hovering around the 1.5 million people mark since the turn of the millennium.

    The War on Drugs and incarceration

    Analysts have often pointed to drug laws in the United States as a reason for the high discrepancy between the criminal justice situation of the United States and their international peers. Since the inception of “the war on drugs” by President Nixon, the United States has housed many criminals who were imprisoned for so-called low level drug offenses. Unfortunately, the war on drugs has combined with socio-economic disparities, such as poverty rates, to produce incarceration rates that are extraordinarily higher for Black men in America. Several documentaries and social-scientists have cited the effect the war on drugs has had on racial inequality in the United States, with incarceration rates being a concrete yet saddening example.

    The death penalty and prisons

    Depending on the nature of one’s crime, it may be better to be a prisoner in some states than others. As of 2021, 24 states and the federal government still have the death penalty, and three states have the death penalty, but a moratorium on executions. Although California had the highest number of people on death row in 2020, Texas is the undisputed capital of capital punishment. Between 1976 and 2021, 573 people were executed for their crimes in Texas.

    There are of course those who benefit from the large prison population of the United States, namely those that provide services in the highly profitable prison industry. In 2020, a little over 57 billion U.S. dollars were spent on state correctional facilities in the United States. Unsurprisingly, such astronomical expenditure levels have prompted critics to voice their concern over the extent of privatization present in the American prison system. After all, it appears unlikely those running the prisoners or coordinating prisoner-related services will seek lower incarceration rates in the future, so long as their bottom line is dependent on the number of those unwillingly donning an orange jumpsuit.

    This text provides general information. Statista assumes no liability for the information given being complete or correct. Due to varying update cycles, statistics can display more up-to-date data than referenced in the text.

    Published by Statista Research Department, Jul 3, 2024

    Key insights

    Adult correctional population in the U.S.

    Topic: Prisoners in the United States (2)

    Detailed statistics

    Adult correctional population in the U.S. 2005-2022

    Number of prisoners in the U.S.

    Topic: Prisoners in the United States (3)

    Detailed statistics

    Number of prisoners in the U.S. 1990-2022

    State corrections expenditures in the U.S.
    60.05bn USD

    Topic: Prisoners in the United States (4)

    Detailed statistics

    State corrections expenditures in the U.S. 1982-2021

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    Editor’s Picks Current statistics on this topic

    Justice SystemNumber of prisoners in the U.S. 1990-2022
    Justice SystemNumber of prisoners in the U.S. 2022, by state
    Justice SystemU.S. capital punishment - executions per year 2000-2022

    Further recommended statistics


    • Basic Statistic Adult correctional population in the U.S. 2005-2022
    • Basic Statistic Adult correctional population in the U.S. 2021, by correctional status
    • Basic Statistic Inmates held in custody in the U.S. 2021, by type of correctional institution
    • Basic Statistic Number of prisoners in the U.S. 1990-2022
    • Basic Statistic Number of prisoners in the U.S. 2022, by state


    • Basic Statistic Adult correctional population in the U.S. 2005-2022

      Topic: Prisoners in the United States (8)

      Adult correctional population in the U.S. 2005-2022

      Total number of adult correctional population in the United States from 2005 to 2022

    • Basic Statistic Adult correctional population in the U.S. 2021, by correctional status

      Topic: Prisoners in the United States (9)

      Adult correctional population in the U.S. 2021, by correctional status

      Adult correctional population in the United States in 2021, by correctional status

    • Basic Statistic Inmates held in custody in the U.S. 2021, by type of correctional institution

      Topic: Prisoners in the United States (10)

      Inmates held in custody in the U.S. 2021, by type of correctional institution

      Total number of inmates held in custody in state or federal prisons or in local jails in the United States in 2021, by type of institution

    • Basic Statistic Number of prisoners in the U.S. 1990-2022

      Topic: Prisoners in the United States (11)

      Number of prisoners in the U.S. 1990-2022

      Number of prisoners under jurisdiction of federal or state correctional authorities from 1990 to 2022 (in 1,000s)

    • Basic Statistic Number of prisoners in the U.S. 2022, by state

      Topic: Prisoners in the United States (12)

      Number of prisoners in the U.S. 2022, by state

      Number of prisoners under federal or state jurisdiction in the United States in 2022, by state

    Prisoner demographics and sentencing

    • Basic Statistic Number of prisoners in the U.S. 2005-2022, by gender
    • Basic Statistic Distribution of prisoners U.S. 2022, by sex and age
    • Basic Statistic Imprisonment rate of sentenced prisoners U.S. 2022, by sex and ethnicity
    • Basic Statistic Number of sentenced prisoners under state jurisdiction U.S. 2021, by offense
    • Basic Statistic Number of sentenced prisoners under federal jurisdiction U.S. 2022, by offense
    • Basic Statistic U.S. federal inmates breakdown 2023, by security level
    • Basic Statistic Number of U.S. federal inmates 2023, by sentence imposed
    • Basic Statistic Number of sentenced prisoners admitted to jurisdiction U.S. 2000-2022
    • Basic Statistic Number of sentenced prisoners released from jurisdiction U.S. 2000-2022
    • Premium Statistic Number of unsentenced inmates in prisons in the U.S. 2000-2022

    Prisoner demographics and sentencing

    • Basic Statistic Number of prisoners in the U.S. 2005-2022, by gender

      Topic: Prisoners in the United States (13)

      Number of prisoners in the U.S. 2005-2022, by gender

      Number of prisoners under jurisdiction of federal or state correctional authorities from 2005 to 2022, by gender

    • Basic Statistic Distribution of prisoners U.S. 2022, by sex and age

      Topic: Prisoners in the United States (14)

      Distribution of prisoners U.S. 2022, by sex and age

      Distribution of prisoners under jurisdiction of federal or state correctional authorities in 2022, by sex and age

    • Basic Statistic Imprisonment rate of sentenced prisoners U.S. 2022, by sex and ethnicity

      Topic: Prisoners in the United States (15)

      Imprisonment rate of sentenced prisoners U.S. 2022, by sex and ethnicity

      Imprisonment rate of sentenced prisoners in the United States under federal or state jurisdiction in 2022, by sex and ethnicity (per 100,000 residents)

    • Basic Statistic Number of sentenced prisoners under state jurisdiction U.S. 2021, by offense

      Topic: Prisoners in the United States (16)

      Number of sentenced prisoners under state jurisdiction U.S. 2021, by offense

      Number of sentenced prisoners in the United States under state jurisdiction in 2021, by offense

    • Basic Statistic Number of sentenced prisoners under federal jurisdiction U.S. 2022, by offense

      Topic: Prisoners in the United States (17)

      Number of sentenced prisoners under federal jurisdiction U.S. 2022, by offense

      Number of sentenced prisoners in the United States under federal jurisdiction in 2022, by offense

    • Basic Statistic U.S. federal inmates breakdown 2023, by security level

      Topic: Prisoners in the United States (18)

      U.S. federal inmates breakdown 2023, by security level

      Percentage of sentenced prisoners under federal jurisdiction in the United States in 2023, by security level

    • Basic Statistic Number of U.S. federal inmates 2023, by sentence imposed

      Topic: Prisoners in the United States (19)

      Number of U.S. federal inmates 2023, by sentence imposed

      Number of sentenced prisoners under federal jurisdiction in the United States in 2023, by sentence imposed

    • Basic Statistic Number of sentenced prisoners admitted to jurisdiction U.S. 2000-2022

      Topic: Prisoners in the United States (20)

      Number of sentenced prisoners admitted to jurisdiction U.S. 2000-2022

      Number of sentenced prisoners admitted to federal or state jurisdiction in the United States from 2000 to 2022, by type of admission

    • Basic Statistic Number of sentenced prisoners released from jurisdiction U.S. 2000-2022

      Topic: Prisoners in the United States (21)

      Number of sentenced prisoners released from jurisdiction U.S. 2000-2022

      Number of sentenced prisoners released from federal or state jurisdiction in the United States from 2000 to 2022

    • Premium Statistic Number of unsentenced inmates in prisons in the U.S. 2000-2022

      Topic: Prisoners in the United States (22)

      Number of unsentenced inmates in prisons in the U.S. 2000-2022

      Number of unsentenced inmates in federal and state prisons in the United States from 2000 to 2022

    Correctional facilities

    • Basic Statistic Prisoners in local jail facilities in the U.S. 2000-2022
    • Basic Statistic Prisoners in private facilities in the United States 2000-2019, by location
    • Basic Statistic Prisoners under military jurisdiction U.S. 2022, by branch of service
    • Premium Statistic State expenditures on corrections in the U.S. 1985-2019
    • Premium Statistic Spending on corrections by state governments in the U.S. 2020
    • Premium Statistic Number of escapees from prisons in the U.S. 2000-2019

    Correctional facilities

    • Basic Statistic Prisoners in local jail facilities in the U.S. 2000-2022

      Topic: Prisoners in the United States (23)

      Prisoners in local jail facilities in the U.S. 2000-2022

      Number of state and federal prisoners in local jail facilities in the United States from 2000 to 2022

    • Basic Statistic Prisoners in private facilities in the United States 2000-2019, by location

      Topic: Prisoners in the United States (24)

      Prisoners in private facilities in the United States 2000-2019, by location

      Number of state and federal prisoners in private facilities in the United States from 2000 to 2019, by prison location

    • Basic Statistic Prisoners under military jurisdiction U.S. 2022, by branch of service

      Topic: Prisoners in the United States (25)

      Prisoners under military jurisdiction U.S. 2022, by branch of service

      Total number of prisoners under military jurisdiction in the United States in 2022, by branch of service

    • Premium Statistic State expenditures on corrections in the U.S. 1985-2019

      Topic: Prisoners in the United States (26)

      State expenditures on corrections in the U.S. 1985-2019

      Total state expenditures on corrections in the United States from 1985 to 2019 (in billion U.S. dollars)

    • Premium Statistic Spending on corrections by state governments in the U.S. 2020

      Topic: Prisoners in the United States (27)

      Spending on corrections by state governments in the U.S. 2020

      State government spending on corrections in the United States in 2020, by state (in million U.S. dollars)

    • Premium Statistic Number of escapees from prisons in the U.S. 2000-2019

      Topic: Prisoners in the United States (28)

      Number of escapees from prisons in the U.S. 2000-2019

      Number of escapees from state and federal prisons in the United States from 2000 to 2019

    Probation and parole

    • Basic Statistic U.S. residents on probation 2005-2022
    • Basic Statistic U.S. residents on parole 2005-2022
    • Basic Statistic Number of U.S. probationers who exited supervision 2020, by type of exit
    • Basic Statistic Number of U.S. parolees who exited supervision 2020, by type of exit

    Probation and parole

    • Basic Statistic U.S. residents on probation 2005-2022

      Topic: Prisoners in the United States (29)

      U.S. residents on probation 2005-2022

      Number of residents on probation in the United States from 2005 to 2022 (in 1,000s)

    • Basic Statistic U.S. residents on parole 2005-2022

      Topic: Prisoners in the United States (30)

      U.S. residents on parole 2005-2022

      Number of residents on parole in the United States from 2005 to 2022

    • Basic Statistic Number of U.S. probationers who exited supervision 2020, by type of exit

      Topic: Prisoners in the United States (31)

      Number of U.S. probationers who exited supervision 2020, by type of exit

      Number of probationers who exited supervision in the United States in 2020, by type of exit

    • Basic Statistic Number of U.S. parolees who exited supervision 2020, by type of exit

      Topic: Prisoners in the United States (32)

      Number of U.S. parolees who exited supervision 2020, by type of exit

      Number of parolees who exited supervision in the United States in 2020, by type of exit

    Prisoner fatalities

    • Basic Statistic Number of state prisoner fatalities U.S. 2001-2019
    • Basic Statistic Number of state and federal prisoner fatalities U.S. 2019, by cause of death
    • Basic Statistic Number of local inmate deaths in jail U.S. 2000-2019
    • Basic Statistic Number of local U.S. inmate fatalities in jail 2019, by cause of death

    Prisoner fatalities

    • Basic Statistic Number of state prisoner fatalities U.S. 2001-2019

      Topic: Prisoners in the United States (33)

      Number of state prisoner fatalities U.S. 2001-2019

      Number of state prisoner fatalities in the United States from 2001 to 2019

    • Basic Statistic Number of state and federal prisoner fatalities U.S. 2019, by cause of death

      Topic: Prisoners in the United States (34)

      Number of state and federal prisoner fatalities U.S. 2019, by cause of death

      Number of state and federal prisoner fatalities in the United States in 2019, by cause of death

    • Basic Statistic Number of local inmate deaths in jail U.S. 2000-2019

      Topic: Prisoners in the United States (35)

      Number of local inmate deaths in jail U.S. 2000-2019

      Number of local inmate deaths in jail in the United States from 2000 to 2019

    • Basic Statistic Number of local U.S. inmate fatalities in jail 2019, by cause of death

      Topic: Prisoners in the United States (36)

      Number of local U.S. inmate fatalities in jail 2019, by cause of death

      Number of local inmate fatalities in jail in the United States in 2019, by cause of death

    Death row

    • Premium Statistic U.S. capital punishment - executions per year 2000-2022
    • Premium Statistic U.S. capital punishment - total number of executions 1976-2022, by state
    • Premium Statistic U.S. capital punishment - racial distribution of executed inmates 1976-2022
    • Premium Statistic U.S. capital punishment - racial distribution of death row inmates 2024

    Death row

    • Premium Statistic U.S. capital punishment - executions per year 2000-2022

      Topic: Prisoners in the United States (37)

      U.S. capital punishment - executions per year 2000-2022

      Number of death row prisoners executed in the United States from 2000 to 2022

    • Premium Statistic U.S. capital punishment - total number of executions 1976-2022, by state

      Topic: Prisoners in the United States (38)

      U.S. capital punishment - total number of executions 1976-2022, by state

      Number of death row prisoners executed in the United States from 1976 to 2022, by state

    • Premium Statistic U.S. capital punishment - racial distribution of executed inmates 1976-2022

      Topic: Prisoners in the United States (39)

      U.S. capital punishment - racial distribution of executed inmates 1976-2022

      Number of death row prisoners executed in the United States from 1976 to 2022, by race

    • Premium Statistic U.S. capital punishment - racial distribution of death row inmates 2024

      Topic: Prisoners in the United States (40)

      U.S. capital punishment - racial distribution of death row inmates 2024

      Number of prisoners on death row in the United States in 2024, by race

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    Topic: Prisoners in the United States (2024)


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    Today, nearly 2 million people are incarcerated, warehoused in cramped spaces that lack fresh air, healthy food, natural light, proper health care, and connection to loved ones. Prisons run with little to no public oversight, leading to abuse.

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    What are some facts about prisons in the US? ›

    Half of the world's prison population of approximately 9 million people is held in the U.S., Russia, or China. Over 2.7 million children in the U.S. have a parent behind bars. There are over 5,000 jails and prisons in the U.S. There are more jails than colleges in the U.S.

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    U.S. Criminal Justice Data
    StateImprisonment Rate Per 100k residentsYouth Custody Rate Per 100k youth
    U.S. Total35574
    Federal prisons44
    49 more rows

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    What is one of the biggest problems facing inmate incarceration today? ›

    More than half of all Americans in prison or jail have a mental illness. Prison officials often fail to provide appropriate treatment for people whose behavior is difficult to manage, instead resorting to physical force and solitary confinement, which can aggravate mental health problems.

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    What are three problems facing jails? ›

    Overcrowding, violence and abuse proliferate at jails across the country, as staffing problems make long-simmering problems worse. In California, lawyers accused staff at the Los Angeles County jail of chaining mentally ill detainees to chairs for days at a time.

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    What is the 4 prisoner problem? ›

    The fourth man behind the screen can't see or be seen by any other prisoner. No communication between the men is allowed. If any prisoner can figure out and say (out loud) to the jailer what colour hat he has on his head all four prisoners go free. The puzzle is to find how the prisoners can escape.

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    Why are prisons bad for society? ›

    While behind bars, people are often subjected to dangerous conditions, resulting in trauma. In addition, incarceration severs a person's ties with family and support networks and causes them to lose their jobs and housing. Upon release, people with a criminal conviction face barriers to housing and employment.

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    How can prisons be improved? ›

    These include reducing solitary confinement, offering vocational opportunities aligned with the modern job market, and advocating for legislative changes to decrease the number of incarcerated people and shorten their sentences.

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    How is life in American prisons? ›

    Life in prison is harsh, traumatizing, and isolating for the people forced to endure it. What would you ask a person who has spent decades in prison? You might inquire about the violence, or perhaps you're curious about the food.

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    Who pays for prisons in the US? ›

    State correction departments allocate most of their budgets to prisons to pay for day-to-day operations, including officer salaries. Some states also fund additional rehabilitation programs, drug treatment centers, and juvenile justice initiatives from their corrections budgets.

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    What crimes are most incarcerated? ›

    Drug offenses still account for the incarceration of over 360,000 people, and drug convictions remain a defining feature of the federal prison system.

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    Which US state has the most prisons? ›

    Most Prisons

    Texas is home to the greatest number of prisons and jails in the USA. With 313 prisons it has 110% more places of incarceration than colleges.

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    Why is incarceration so high in the US? ›

    American mass incarceration is a result of increasing sentence lengths for people who commit serious violent crimes. But it is also a product of a stunning expansion of the system's reach in the form of more and more crimes leading to prison and jail.

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    How do prisoners get so big? ›

    How Do Prisoners Get so Big Without Weights? Prisoners gain muscle so quickly due to the high rep ranges of the workouts and high workout frequency due to their time available, in combination with as much food as possible.

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    What is the greatest issue facing corrections in America? ›

    Dealing with overcrowding is a constant issue for most prisons and jails. Some have resolved to release more out into the community at a higher volume, on parole, or just release. However, this too has its own set of problems, as reentry is now becoming the current issue within corrections.

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    What are some of the major new issues prisons face in the future? ›

    Prisons of the future will need to provide new, better ways to manage inmates and serve corrections personnel. Correctional systems today are frequently wary of introducing new technology because of the security risks some people feel they might pose.

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    How can American prisons be improved? ›

    Normalizing prison environments with evidence-based programming, including cognitive behavioral therapy, education, and personal development, will help incarcerated individuals lead successful lives in the community as family members, employees, and community residents.

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    What is the biggest problem with private prisons? ›

    Private prisons are more dangerous than publicly run facilities. According to a U.S. Department of Justice study covering federal prisons, violent attacks by inmates on correctional staff were 163% higher in private than in public prisons, and inmate-on-inmate assaults were nearly 30% higher.

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    Article information

    Author: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

    Last Updated:

    Views: 6310

    Rating: 4.3 / 5 (44 voted)

    Reviews: 83% of readers found this page helpful

    Author information

    Name: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

    Birthday: 1992-08-21

    Address: Apt. 237 662 Haag Mills, East Verenaport, MO 57071-5493

    Phone: +331850833384

    Job: District Real-Estate Architect

    Hobby: Skateboarding, Taxidermy, Air sports, Painting, Knife making, Letterboxing, Inline skating

    Introduction: My name is Saturnina Altenwerth DVM, I am a witty, perfect, combative, beautiful, determined, fancy, determined person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.