Maiden of Vigilance Strategy/Tactics for Normal/Heroic (2025)

Table of Contents

  • +Introduction
    • 1. Contents
    • 2. Lore
    • 3. Outline
    • 4. TL;DR
      • 4.1. Infusion
      • 4.2. Everyone
      • 4.3. Tanks
      • 4.4. Healers
      • 4.5. DPS
    • 5. Positioning
    • 6. Bloodlust/Heroism/Time Warp
    • 7. Changelog
  • +Abilities
    • 1. Overview
      • 1.1. Infusion
    • 2. All Phases
    • 3. Phase One: Divide and Conquer
    • 4. Phase Two: Watcher's Wrath
  • ×Normal/Heroic Strategy/Tactics
    • 1. Positioning
      • 1.1. Phase One
      • 1.2. Phase Two
  • +Mythic Strategy
    • 1. Mythic Mode Abilities
      • 1.1. Essence Fragments
      • 1.2. Spontaneous Fragmentation
    • 2. Strategy
    • 3. Changelog

General Information

On this page, you will find a working strategy to defeat Maiden of Vigilancein Tomb of Sargeras for both Normal and Heroic modes, which usually only differ bythe tuning of the boss.

Here, we assume that you have read our descriptionsof the abilities for this encounter.

The other pages of our Maiden of Vigilance guide can be accessedfrom the table of contents on the right.



Immaculate positioning and spatial awareness is required to triumph over theMaiden of Vigilance, as any interaction with a player or mechanic of theopposing element will trigger Maiden of Vigilance Strategy/Tactics for Normal/Heroic (1) Unstable Soul detonations. This will costthe raid precious damage and healing resources and can very easily spiral intoa full raid wipe.

Before commencing the encounter, raid markers should be placed (recommendedto use the Triangle and Star raid markers) on either side of where the boss isto be tanked. These markers designate the stack point for Maiden of Vigilance Strategy/Tactics for Normal/Heroic (2) Hammer of Creationand Maiden of Vigilance Strategy/Tactics for Normal/Heroic (3) Hammer of Obliteration in order for their damage to be correctly split andavoid killing the tanks.

Maiden of Vigilance Strategy/Tactics for Normal/Heroic (4)

Once the Maiden is engaged, the raid should stand ready to move inanticipation of Maiden of Vigilance Strategy/Tactics for Normal/Heroic (5) Infusion being cast. Once debuffs have been assigned,the group should quickly but carefully fan out into their positions for hammers.Ideally, classes with very high mobility and "blink" style abilities shouldoccupy the area furthest from the pit, allowing the melee and less mobileranged and healers to maneuver. Additionally, this grants them secureaccess to the pit, which reduces the risk of an Maiden of Vigilance Strategy/Tactics for Normal/Heroic (6) Unstable Soul goingoff without the protection of Maiden of Vigilance Strategy/Tactics for Normal/Heroic (7) Aegwynn's Ward.

Tanks will perform taunt swaps periodically, ensuring that the Maiden'scurrent hammer matches their debuff. For example, when Maiden of Vigilance Strategy/Tactics for Normal/Heroic (8) Hammer of Obliterationis active, the tank with Maiden of Vigilance Strategy/Tactics for Normal/Heroic (9) Fel Infusion will taunt the boss. If thetank with Maiden of Vigilance Strategy/Tactics for Normal/Heroic (10) Light Infusion was the previous target, this taunt swapshould cause the Maiden to pivot 180 degrees, facing the opposite direction.All fel infused players should already be in position, fanned out behind thetank to split the damage from Maiden of Vigilance Strategy/Tactics for Normal/Heroic (11) Hammer of Obliteration.

Be sure to immediately step out of Maiden of Vigilance Strategy/Tactics for Normal/Heroic (12) Fel Remanence/Maiden of Vigilance Strategy/Tactics for Normal/Heroic (13) Light Remanenceif you are caught in it. These zones will decay slowly over time, but as theydecay they emit Maiden of Vigilance Strategy/Tactics for Normal/Heroic (14) Fel Echoes and Maiden of Vigilance Strategy/Tactics for Normal/Heroic (15) Light Echoes respectively. Therange on this damage is limited (4 yards), so evasion is not difficult, butgetting hit will cause severe magic damage and can trigger Maiden of Vigilance Strategy/Tactics for Normal/Heroic (16) Unstable Soul.

Anyone afflicted with Maiden of Vigilance Strategy/Tactics for Normal/Heroic (17) Unstable Soul has 8 seconds to jump into thepit in the center of the room. The affected players should stand near the edgeof the pit until ~2 seconds are left on the Maiden of Vigilance Strategy/Tactics for Normal/Heroic (18) Unstable Soul debuff, thenjump into the pit. This will negate the raid damage due to Maiden of Vigilance Strategy/Tactics for Normal/Heroic (19) Aegwynn's Ward,and the players will be transported back into the fight after a few seconds.Maiden of Vigilance Strategy/Tactics for Normal/Heroic (20) Mass Instability will occur periodically, and therefore it is importantto be ready with movement abilities and a path to the room's center planned inadvance, as collision with a player of the opposing Maiden of Vigilance Strategy/Tactics for Normal/Heroic (21) Infusion couldtrigger a chain reaction.


Phase Two

Phase Two will commence with the Maiden incapacitating the raid for severalseconds with Maiden of Vigilance Strategy/Tactics for Normal/Heroic (22) Blowback. The Maiden leaps away from the group andcloaks herself in a Maiden of Vigilance Strategy/Tactics for Normal/Heroic (23) Titanic Bulwark, beginning her channel ofMaiden of Vigilance Strategy/Tactics for Normal/Heroic (24) Wrath of the Creators.

The group should re-engage Maiden immediately following the expiry of theMaiden of Vigilance Strategy/Tactics for Normal/Heroic (25) Blowback debuff. Raid wide movement speed cooldowns can be a greatasset, such as Maiden of Vigilance Strategy/Tactics for Normal/Heroic (26) Wind Rush Totem or Maiden of Vigilance Strategy/Tactics for Normal/Heroic (27) Demonic Gateway.

Maiden of Vigilance Strategy/Tactics for Normal/Heroic (28) Essence Fragments will begin to circle the room (henceforthreferred to as "orbs") as the channel for Maiden of Vigilance Strategy/Tactics for Normal/Heroic (29) Wrath of the Creatorscommences. Collecting orbs matching your current Maiden of Vigilance Strategy/Tactics for Normal/Heroic (30) Infusionis essential to success. The orbs:

  • spawn underneath the Maiden of Vigilance and travel outwards in bothdirections;
  • grant stacking damage and healing for each orb collected, lasting 20sand refreshed by each new stack;
  • do not travel indefinitely, rather, they despawn after travelingapproximately two fifths of the platform's circuit;
  • spawn in sets of 6 (3 traveling in each direction) and are finite innumber. The Maiden starts with 14 Maiden of Vigilance Strategy/Tactics for Normal/Heroic (31) Essence Fragments stacks at thebeginning of the phase and each set of orbs removes a stack. Usually, theorbs are completely gone by the time Maiden of Vigilance Strategy/Tactics for Normal/Heroic (32) Wrath of the Creators hits~10 stacks.

DPS cooldowns should be prepared for Phase Two. It is prudent to hold anycooldowns lasting 20s or less until after the orbs have finishedspawning, thereby maximizing their potency.

Once the Maiden of Vigilance Strategy/Tactics for Normal/Heroic (33) Titanic Bulwark is broken, the Maiden of Vigilance Strategy/Tactics for Normal/Heroic (34) Wrath of the Creatorschannel can be interrupted. Optionally, more organized and advanced groupsmay choose to prolong Phase Two as long as sustainable. There are no mechanicsor movement to worry about in this phase after the Maiden of Vigilance Strategy/Tactics for Normal/Heroic (35) Essence Fragmentshave finished, allowing the group to pump out as much free DPS as they can.Maiden of Vigilance Strategy/Tactics for Normal/Heroic (36) Wrath of the Creators must be interrupted before reaching 30 stacks,however, or the Maiden will cast Maiden of Vigilance Strategy/Tactics for Normal/Heroic (37) Extinguish Life and wipe the raid.

Healing cooldowns should be organized to match Maiden of Vigilance Strategy/Tactics for Normal/Heroic (38) Wrath of the Creatorswhen it reaches higher stacks. The reference point for this is obviouslycontigent on the gear and experience level of your group, but a good numberto start overlapping cooldowns is around 14-15 stacks of Wrath. Throughputcooldowns are highly effective as they benefit from the Maiden of Vigilance Strategy/Tactics for Normal/Heroic (39) Demon's Vigorand Maiden of Vigilance Strategy/Tactics for Normal/Heroic (40) Creator's Grace.

Once Maiden of Vigilance Strategy/Tactics for Normal/Heroic (41) Wrath of the Creators has been interrupted, the Maiden willinstantly resume Phase One, beginning with an Maiden of Vigilance Strategy/Tactics for Normal/Heroic (42) Infusion cast. Thegroup should be pre-spread and ready to re-lay new raid markers as theMaiden will likely be on the opposite side of the room.


Mythic Strategy⋙

Maiden of Vigilance Strategy/Tactics for Normal/Heroic (2025)


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