Table of Contents
- ×Introduction
- 1. Contents
- 2. Lore
- 3. Outline
- 4. TL;DR
- 4.1. Infusion
- 4.2. Everyone
- 4.3. Tanks
- 4.4. Healers
- 4.5. DPS
- 5. Positioning
- 6. Bloodlust/Heroism/Time Warp
- 7. Changelog
- +Abilities
- 1. Overview
- 1.1. Infusion
- 2. All Phases
- 3. Phase One: Divide and Conquer
- 4. Phase Two: Watcher's Wrath
- 1. Overview
- +Normal/Heroic Strategy/Tactics
- 1. Positioning
- 1.1. Phase One
- 1.2. Phase Two
- 1. Positioning
- +Mythic Strategy
- 1. Mythic Mode Abilities
- 1.1. Essence Fragments
- 1.2. Spontaneous Fragmentation
- 2. Strategy
- 3. Changelog
- 1. Mythic Mode Abilities
General Information
Welcome to our World of Warcraft encounter guide for Maiden of Vigilance inTomb of Sargeras. We will teach you everything you need to know to defeat theboss in every difficulty.
On this particular page, we will give you a short overview of the fight aswell as a list of things to watch out for (include LFR tips when applicable).
The other pages of our Maiden of Vigilance guide can be accessedfrom the table of contents on the right.
To make it easy to navigate the guide, we have split it into3 pages:
- Abilities: read about the encounter abilities;
- Normal/Heroic Strategy/Tactics: find out how to defeat the encounter in Normal and Heroic modes;
- Mythic Strategy: learn how to handle the new mechanics and increased difficulty of Mythic mode.
The Maiden of Vigilance is the seventh boss housed in the Tomb of Sargeras.
Charged by Aegwynn to defend the Tomb of Sargeras, the Maiden of Vigilancehas stood watch for hundreds of years. Yet, the guardian did not forsee whateffect the avatar's seeping fel energy would have on this titan construct. Slowlywarped by this maleficence, the Maiden now seeks to destroy any in her path.
The fight against the Maiden of Vigilance is comprised of 2 phases. The firstphase, Divide and Conquer, encompasses the main part of the encounter. Thesecond phase, Watcher's Wrath, will serve as an intermission of sorts where theMaiden will jump away and shield herself, absorbing a fixed amount of damageand beginning a channel than deals increasing damage with each tick, finallywiping the raid unavoidably at 30 stacks. If the raid manages to break theshield in time, the channel can be interrupted and the first phase resumes.Overall this constitutes a simple but punishing encounter that requires cleanmechanical play and strong numbers output.
Here is a preview from the LFR version of the fight on PTR:
The Maiden of Vigilance will infuse each raid member with either Light Infusion or Fel Infusion. Taking damage from an abilitythat does not match your Infusion will trigger Unstable Soul.
- Avoid taking any damage from abilities of the opposite Infusion or Unstable Soul will be triggered.
- Jump into the pit in the center of the room if you are affected by the Unstable Soul debuff to avoid damaging the raid (due to Aegwynn's Ward).
- Collect Essence Fragments matching your Infusion duringPhase 2 to stack a damage and healing buff to help break the Titanic Bulwark.
- Help the tanks soak the frontal cleave matching your Infusion.
- Perform a taunt swap when the Maiden switches between Hammer of Creationand Hammer of Obliteration so that the current tank has a debuff matchingthe current hammer ( Fel Infusion for Obliteration and Light Infusionfor Creation).
- Ensure players of the correct debuffs are in the conal cleave from the Hammer of Creation and Hammer of Obliteration.
- Coordinate healing cooldowns as the damage from Wrath of the Creatorsincreases.
- Be ready to perform surgical healing when Mass Instability occurs.
- Prepare cooldowns to quickly break Titanic Bulwark in Phase 2.
Positioning during Phase 1 is determined by the Infusion debuff.The raid should place markers on either side of the boss designating a Fel Infusion side and a Light Infusion. Once Infusionis cast, all players should form a loose spread on their designated side ofthe room. The tanks will trade the boss back and forth as the Maiden swapsbetween her hammers, allowing the raid to easily split the cleaves withoutnecessitating movement.
During Phase 2, the boss will leap away, stunning players momentarily. TheMaiden will shield herself and begin a channel, increasing in intensity witheach tick that will wipe that raid after it reaches 30 stacks. The raid mustcollect Essence Fragments to boost their damage and healing and breakthe shield. Once the Titanic Bulwark is broken, the channel can beinterrupted and Phase 1 positioning resumes.
Bloodlust/Heroism/Time Warp
We advise you to use Bloodlust/ Heroism/ Time Warpon the pull for maximum damage, however, it can also be used during the first Wrath of the Creators if your group is struggling to break the shield.Either usage is acceptable, although on the pull usage is favoured if safelycracking Titanic Bulwark is consistent.
- 06 Aug. 2017 (mythic page): Mythic page added.
- 14 May 2017 (this page): Guide added.
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